Today i had the pleasure of speaking with Marcus Horn, lead developer of Siactro games to talk a bit about his studio and his current indie game projects. Learn more about Siactro games and what inspired this late 90’s gamer to get developin’!
1) RETRONUKE: So Marcus, how did Siactro come together?
Marcus Horn: I met Jay (my musician) when I looked for music around the web for a Banjo Kazooie tribute game.
2) RETRONUKE: How many games has your team worked on so far?
Marcus Horn: I…have no idea… I started with fangames back in 2002 I think. I made a lot of games, most of them unfinished or crap or fangames or all of it!
3) RETRONUKE: What’s the name of your current indie game project?
Marcus Horn: Macbat 64 – Journey Of A Nice Chap.
4) RETRONUKE: What inspired the art direction for your current project?
Marcus Horn: Late 90s N64 games for the most part but also PSOne and old PC titles.
5) RETRONUKE: Music is such an important part of the gaming experience. What music inspired your game?
Marcus Horn: Well I didn’t create the music myself but I had several games that I would forcefully push upon the amazing JD Moser to inspire him for music for the game! 🙂
6) RETRONUKE: Which game development tools are you using?
Marcus Horn: I am using Unity 4 for this game.
7) RETRONUKE: Which retro games inspired you to become indie game developers?
Marcus Horn: I have to admit it probably was Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.
8) RETRONUKE: What is the most rewarding aspect of being an indie dev?
Marcus Horn: When people tell me they like the shit I made! 😉
9) RETRONUKE: What indie games are you playing now?
Marcus Horn: Freeze Me, Woodle Tree Adventures, Soulcaster 2, The Journey Down, Breeze.
10) RETRONUKE: Which indie games are you excited for this year?
Marcus Horn: Soulcaster 3 (if it will come out this year…) and Journey Down Chapter 3.
You can find more great games from Siactro on their GameJolt developer page.
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