


Megasphere: Pre-Release First Impressions

Awakened from your slumber, a gravitational field is discovered within your vicinity, you’re a humaniform explorer set out to discover an abandoned ship within the solar system you’re exploring. Upon arrival, a ship is found still broadcasting its ID on the outskirts of Jupiter’s orbit, this presents no sort of problem but leaves questions instead of answers.Nostars, no guidelines,…
flynn son of crimson

Flynn: Son of Crimson Preview: Please conserve the Red

Either someone didn’t get the memo about the shortage of red pixels circulating the surreal memeverse, or the Son of Crimson is personally responsible. Much like the meme, red is your primary source of power in Flynn: Son of Crimson. I should clarify that by saying Flynn uses a set of blood-red powers to overcome obstacles and crush his…

Lovecraft’s Untold Stories Demo Review

I’ll be honest: I know nothing about the works of H.P. Lovecraft. I know he built a world of fantasy-horror stories, but that’s as much as I can confidently say. Luckily for newbies like me, Lovecraft’s Untold Stories seem to be just that: untold stories. The main character, a detective by the name of John Murphy, doesn’t return any…

Huntdown Game Trailer [2017] – Easy Trigger Games

Created by Easy Trigger Games, HUNTDOWN is a 2D arcade style action game coming to Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and Steam. The game takes a ton of influences from both 80’s/90’s games and film properties. With retro gaming influences like Contra Hard Corps, Gunstar Heroes, Syndicate, Exo-Squad, & Alien 3 and movie franchises like Robocop, Judge Dredd, Total…

Life on the Rim: a Rimworld Review

Maybe you and your companions awoke from your cryptosleep sarcophagi to the sound of sirens, making it out of your ship just in the nick of time. Maybe your tribe was devastated by the great blood machines sent by the gods, and are now without a home. Maybe you’re a rich socialite, bored with your glitterworld lifestyle and yearning…

Invisigun Heroes Review: Too Fast to be Seen with the Naked Eye

What’s more difficult than shooting an invisible target? The answer lies in the unique gameplay of Invisigun Heroes, which conceals all heroes—including your own—in a stealthy game of PVP mayhem designed to make you think before you shoot. At first glance, Invisigun Heroes seems difficult to master. Each player-controlled character must navigate a single-screen arena in a battle to…
fight knight indie game demo review

Fight Knight Demo: Put up your dukes for a high-speed dungeon brawl

Fight Knight Demo Preview You’re faced with a monster, a puzzle, and a friendly NPC. Which one do you punch? If your answer is “all of the above,” Fight Knight may be the game for you. In Fight Knight, the player dons a pair of knight’s gauntlets and battles in a hectic grid-based, first-person dungeon crawl. Though it’s been…

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