

Our game development resources provide the most helpful information for first time and experienced game developers alike. Learn about the tools, process, and tricks to begin getting  started on your first game!

Three Smart Ways to Get Your Gaming Events Sponsored

Shows like “King of Kong” have sparked interest in the retro and arcade games of old. The world of eSports is fast-growing, and teams just now starting out face an uphill climb. Luckily, there’s still plenty of room for new stars on old cabinets. If your crew is ready to up their game and become stars at the local,…

PICO-8 – 32K-arat Gold!

There are a lot of interesting options for game development on the web these days, many that exist in their own quiet little communities, and while anyone with even a passing interest in game development knows Unreal, Unity, and RPG Maker, it’s easy to overlook these hidden gems. Last year I discovered a “fantasy console” called the PICO-8 which…
writing a video game story

How to Write a Good Story for your Indie Game: 5 Steps

You’re an Indie who wants to tell a story within your game. Where do you even start? I’m Edwin McRae, an Indie veteran narrative design, and here’s some things that I’ve found useful. Start with what’s actually going to be in your game. You don’t need a creation story. You don’t need to know how the ancient empire rose…

Want to be a Beta Tester? You Need to Read This First

Article by Monica Mizzi Beta testing computer and console games can be a lucrative job – not only do you get to test games before they hit the market, you can earn some sweet moolah for your efforts. While you may think your responsibility rests solely on giving honest and constructive feedback, you will likely have legal obligations to…
how to make money playing games

How to Make Money Playing Video Games

We all dream of doing what we love, and video games are what you love. How do you make money playing video games and get paid to do your favorite activity? Let’s go over some of your options so you can turn your favorite hobby into a money making cash cow! 1. Become a Video Game Tester Becoming a…
beginners guide to making your first video game

Beginner’s Guide to Making Your First Video Game

You’ve decided you want to join the ranks of indie game creators, but you’re not sure where to start. This post will walk you through the entire process of ideation, sourcing development tools, creating characters and stories, and environment creation. Find out all the short-cuts of the game development and learn how to make a video game quickly and efficiently! 1. Plan…
make games with twine

5 Steps to Create Interactive Story Games with Twine

You’re about to embark on one of the most exciting creative endeavors of the modern age – making a video game for others to immerse themselves in. This guide will walk you through how to use Twine, a simple but powerful way to create video games or interactive fiction. It’s been described as a digital Choose Your Own Adventure…

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