
Ghostsong Progress Update


Since I backed Ghostsong a year ago, I have thoroughly enjoyed following Matt Whites progress and development of the game. You can tell with each update that this indie adventure is being worked into something truly magical. The fusion of influences are superb, from the subterranean exploration of Super Metroid to the maddening, yet addictive challenge level of Dark Souls. Ghostsong looks like it is shaping up to be an epic adventure experience and I really can’t wait to see where it goes and when it will drop. I wanted to show some extra love for the project by adding a few images and videos from the Kickstarter campaign that some may not have had a chance to see. Check out this Ghostsong progress update through images and video!

Follow Matt White on Twitter – @twotimingpete.

Gameplay GIFS:

Ralph is an avid retro gamer and indie game aficionado from New York. NES titles like Contra, Metal Gear, Shatterhand, and Metroid were the first games he ever played and he's been hooked ever since. In his free time he plays guitar, steam games, and writes for His Twitter handle is @ralph_durso where he tweets about his favorite indie games.

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