

Eagle Island Alpha Preview: Too Early to Take Flight

For many players, the first thing that stands out about Eagle Island will undoubtedly be its striking resemblance to Owlboy. That’s a shame, because Eagle Island is very much its own game. Although the pixel art platformer is still in alpha, it has the bones of a potential hit. I played through the demo, and — in spite of…

Lovecraft’s Untold Stories Demo Review

I’ll be honest: I know nothing about the works of H.P. Lovecraft. I know he built a world of fantasy-horror stories, but that’s as much as I can confidently say. Luckily for newbies like me, Lovecraft’s Untold Stories seem to be just that: untold stories. The main character, a detective by the name of John Murphy, doesn’t return any…

The Librarian is a beautiful, if short, piece of interactive pixel art

Upon booting up The Librarian, the single person project of developer Octavi Navarro, you are immediately swept up by the sounds of a crackling fire, howling wind and the simple message: “To my dad.” Right out of the gate, this short point-and-click puzzler verges on eulogistic. The care that went into the creation of this game rolls from the…
a robot named fight indie game review

A Robot Named Fight Now Available for Switch & Windows 10 Devices

Matt Bitners 2017 homage and highly acclaimed “metroid-like” A Robot Named Fight has now been released on Nintendo Switch and Windows 10 devices! The Nintendo Switch version contains all features found in the PC/Steam version with support for seeded runs, new weapon and power-up combos, and even a new (secret) ending! More details about the games release are below. Matt…

Zero Ranger Preview: Become Something More

Hordes of enemies to shoot, check. Powerups that augment the gameplay in fun ways, check. Bosses that will take several tries to master, check. Zero Ranger has all the staples of the genre that inspired it. This is a true indie game, and it definitely deserves the place it’s scrolling toward in the arcade SHMUP wall of fame. Zero…

Faxanadu: A Timeless Treasure

*Home sweet home. Wait, what happened here? Daggers and wing boots, mantras and monsters await you. This is the tagline for Faxanadu and though there is only one dagger, wing boots, oddly enough, are in fashion among the elves. There are more mantras and monsters than you can wave that dagger at. While this game is widely unknown, it…

Long Awaited Mega Man 11 Announced, Coming to PS4, XB1 & Switch in 2018

After years of waiting, Capcom has officially announced a late 2018 release date for Mega Man 11. For many, many fans of the franchise, it is a long time coming. The last flagship game in the series, Megaman 10, released all the way back in 2010. And while we’ve seen a few spin-offs, mobile games, and anniversary re-releases since,…

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