

Indie Game Reviews for PC, Steam, Android, & iOS

Research the newest pixel art games before you buy with our indie game reviews. Here you will find the culmination of all the reviews we have written from past to present. This collection is growing every week, so stop by frequently to learn about the latest indie games. Game developers working on new 8 or 16 bit video game projects can submit there indie games for review by visiting the about us section of our website. If you are looking for the best reviews for indie games then read our posts below! All indie game reviews on are written without the influence of publishers or game dev’s. We aren’t paid for our content and are just doing this for fun, so rest assured that the opinions expressed are that of the writers and nothing more.

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peace death indie game

Peace, Death! Review

Has this ever happened to you? You’re sitting at home, having a nice evening on the couch with your pet and your TV, and BAM. You’re hungry. So you go to the fridge to satiate your rumbling tummy but, alas – no food. So you pick up the phone and make some calls about securing dinner, but wouldn’t you…
darkside detective

The Darkside Detective Review

Our story takes us down a shadowed path. A path so dark, it needs three creams and three sugars before most people can even consider drinking it. But Detective McQueen isn’t most people. He takes his coffee black; his cases bizarre. Follow him as he takes the path leading down the rabbit hole, leading him to solve the creepy…

Takume Review: A Tale Of Two Sisters

What makes a game good? Its graphics? Its storyline? Its mechanics? Or some combination of all these components and more? What happens if one of these is missing, or didn’t quite meet expectations? Is the game necessarily bad? Or something else? These are the questions I had after playing Takume. A free-to-play game created by Talecrafter, the title was…

Gunkatana: Really shouldn’t be running with that

Preface This is an early demo. This review will be based on its current state. Certain bugs and issues will hopefully be fixed. Please keep this in mind. Gameplay Welcome to a fast-paced, carnage-filled, neon battle arena known as Gunkatana. The combat is really satisfying with the classic one-shot-one-kill rule to add extra tension. You have a laser blaster…
mandagon title screen

Mandagon Review: A Father’s Sacrifice

Wow. Every once in awhile, you find a game that resonates with you on a spiritual level. A game that entices the mind, pleases the senses, and awakens the soul. As cliche as it sounds, it’s true – the medium is capable of helping the gamer reach a higher plane of understanding and can really move the player emotionally.…
i am the hero indie game title screen

I AM THE HERO: First Impressions With A Black Eye

Let’s take a trip back to 1987, a game entitled Double Dragon had just been released as a coin-operated arcade side-scrolling beat-em-up. The genre was still in its infancy: gamers are set up against an absurd amount of enemies that required a higher level of skill in order to progress through the storyline. Many, many kids and teenagers were…
bloody walls title screen

Bloody Walls Review: Paint The Town Red

Remember the days of video games past that didn’t hold your hand? Those games that failed to give you a tutorial mode or even really explain what the game was all about? The intense gameplay that was characterized by an onslaught of enemies that could insta-kill you just by invading your personal bubble? Aside from Dark Souls, few games…

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