

fight knight indie game demo review

Fight Knight Demo: Put up your dukes for a high-speed dungeon brawl

Fight Knight Demo Preview You’re faced with a monster, a puzzle, and a friendly NPC. Which one do you punch? If your answer is “all of the above,” Fight Knight may be the game for you. In Fight Knight, the player dons a pair of knight’s gauntlets and battles in a hectic grid-based, first-person dungeon crawl. Though it’s been…
kingdom new lands logo

Kingdom: New Lands Review

Once you get the keys to the kingdom, it can be hard to let them go—and even harder to survive the challenges they will inevitably bring your way. Kingdom: New Lands is an extension of Kingdom, a side-scrolling strategy and survival game that earned a loyal indie following with its unforgiving yet addictive gameplay. New Lands adds a variety…
midboss game review roguelike dungeon crawler

Midboss Review: Roguelike Dungeon Crawler of Possession

Midboss Review With the sheer amount of games that are available to the masses these days, it’s really hard to recapture that sense of wonder and hilarity that we used to have with games of yesteryear. Sure, there are tons of titles that brag about their ability to take us back to the good ol’ days, but how many…
streets of rogue review

Streets of Rogue Review: They Let You Do What?

by Albert Lim Streets of Rage, released in 1991 for Sega Genesis / Megadrive, was the story of badass cops who take to the streets, bringing the fight to the criminal syndicate which has thrown their city into chaos. The thing that really made it stand out for me was that you could choose to join the bad guys…
outpost 9 indie game

Outpost 9 Demo is a callback to The Thing and Alien

In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream I don’t often sit down to write about the demos of games, but Benjy Bates’ Outpost 9 demo is something I actually find myself wanting to write home about, purely because of how well it handles tension and how much of a “thriller movie” it manages to be with nothing more…

Dead Cells Review: Rinse, Repeat, Roguevania

You can tell a game is amazing when you have a hard time putting it down, continually making excuses for “just one more round,” or sitting down to play a match or two and suddenly it’s midnight. Dead Cells is the first game in a long time that had me staying up well past my bedtime constantly looking at…
fleshforward game logo

Fleshforward Demo Review: Resident Evil 2D Gone Wrong

Editors Note: As of the date of this posting, this game is still currently in development. I’m a strong believer in subtlety. Games that give playful winks and nudges towards their inspiration are far more appealing than games who beat players over the head while shouting “do you get the reference?” In this case, Fleshforward tends to do the…

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