
Shooter indie game

CRUSH.TV Early Access Review: An Exercise in Crushing Defeat

One arena, two competitors, and hundreds of enemies equipped with swift and punishing ways to murder you. That’s the recipe for CRUSH.TV—one you may remember from early arcade games like Smash TV and Robotron: 2084. In fact, developer Salt & Pixel cites those two games as the specific inspiration for CRUSH.TV, a 2D shooter that is currently available in…
fleshforward game logo

Fleshforward Demo Review: Resident Evil 2D Gone Wrong

Editors Note: As of the date of this posting, this game is still currently in development. I’m a strong believer in subtlety. Games that give playful winks and nudges towards their inspiration are far more appealing than games who beat players over the head while shouting “do you get the reference?” In this case, Fleshforward tends to do the…
kite indie game title screen

Kite Review – Old School Shooter on Overdrive

You know what I miss about the ‘80s? The big hair. The catchy pop music. The fashions. The over the top movies and video games. The colors, the fonts, the technologies slowly coming to fruition. The ‘80s aesthetic, in general, is something that I…dare I say, yearn for? And yet I know we’ll never return to those glory years,…
polygod game

PolyGod: The early-alpha Doom on drugs

Gameplay The quick movement and the constant shower of bullets make for an awesome fast-paced experience. You start in a garden without much context. Then, after leaving the garden, you’re thrown into a randomly-generated level. You learn pretty quickly that you need to shoot and destroy everything. There are quite a few unique enemy types, such as flying orbs…
double kick heroes review title screen

Double Kick Heroes: First Ass-Kicking Impressions

Intro / Story Living in a post-apocalyptic world is never what it’s cracked up to be, especially when dealing with hordes of zombies. What better way to counteract the boredom and impending doom of your existence than teaming with your band members, loading up your Gundillac, and killing some zombies with the power of METAL. This is exactly what…
starr mazer dsp title screen

Starr Mazer: DSP – Damage Space Planes Action!

It is a sad fact that most arcades in recent years have gone extinct, they are few and far between when compared to their peak in the 80’s and early 90’s. No longer are they being swamped with quarters over whose initials were on the scoreboards this week for Donkey Kong or Ms. PacMan. Other popular titles were of…

The Death Road to Canada is paved with good intentions (and bodies)

RocketCat Games‘ Death Road to Canada is Oregon Trail meets Left 4 Dead plus a dash of Pac-Man, add mild hallucinogenic. Instead of ghosts and smallpox, though, your main enemies are zombies and interpersonal conflict. You start by designing your character, and pick two personality traits for yourself, with options like “irritability” and “Megabuff.” These traits actually matter, and…

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