

Indie Game Reviews for PC, Steam, Android, & iOS

Research the newest pixel art games before you buy with our indie game reviews. Here you will find the culmination of all the reviews we have written from past to present. This collection is growing every week, so stop by frequently to learn about the latest indie games. Game developers working on new 8 or 16 bit video game projects can submit there indie games for review by visiting the about us section of our website. If you are looking for the best reviews for indie games then read our posts below! All indie game reviews on are written without the influence of publishers or game dev’s. We aren’t paid for our content and are just doing this for fun, so rest assured that the opinions expressed are that of the writers and nothing more.

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super turbo demon busters

Super Turbo Demon Busters! Review

In Super Turbo Demon Busters! you assume command of a team of mercenaries accidentally stranded on the most dangerous planet in the universe, inhabited by almost every conceivable monster – and worse, it’s only a matter of time before your squad is transformed to join their ranks… Luckily, your team is well equipped to deal with the assembled hordes…
boss 101 review

Boss 101 Review: Like a BOSS

Growing up, once or twice you have imagined owning a jetpack. Or a robot. Or both. As luck (and reality) would have it, most of us never experience these items in real life. Luckily, there are ways around the gaping hole left by our childhood inclinations of cool gadgets. “The journey of a thousand light years… begins with a…
freaky awesome indie game

Freaky Awesome Review: Mutate or DIE

35 hours have gone by since you started looking for your dog. Sam comes across an old abandoned factory, in a desolate landscape. After falling into the basement and landing in (what is assumed to be) toxic waste, you change completely: a hunch grows out of your back, your legs grow thin, and you can shoot green globs as…
t and c surf designs

Town & Country Surf Designs Review: Wood & Water Rage

There are a few iconic sounds that remind you of your favorite games: Mario’s coins and one-ups, Sonic’s rings and drowning music, Joe Cool faceplanting and sliding on the pavement. “Ssssshhhh…” — that’s the sound that the world’s worst low-speed road rash makes when you fail at Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage for the Nintendo…

Invisigun Heroes Review: Too Fast to be Seen with the Naked Eye

What’s more difficult than shooting an invisible target? The answer lies in the unique gameplay of Invisigun Heroes, which conceals all heroes—including your own—in a stealthy game of PVP mayhem designed to make you think before you shoot. At first glance, Invisigun Heroes seems difficult to master. Each player-controlled character must navigate a single-screen arena in a battle to… indie game

CRUSH.TV Early Access Review: An Exercise in Crushing Defeat

One arena, two competitors, and hundreds of enemies equipped with swift and punishing ways to murder you. That’s the recipe for CRUSH.TV—one you may remember from early arcade games like Smash TV and Robotron: 2084. In fact, developer Salt & Pixel cites those two games as the specific inspiration for CRUSH.TV, a 2D shooter that is currently available in…
fight knight indie game demo review

Fight Knight Demo: Put up your dukes for a high-speed dungeon brawl

Fight Knight Demo Preview You’re faced with a monster, a puzzle, and a friendly NPC. Which one do you punch? If your answer is “all of the above,” Fight Knight may be the game for you. In Fight Knight, the player dons a pair of knight’s gauntlets and battles in a hectic grid-based, first-person dungeon crawl. Though it’s been…

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